Sex Sessions: After The Cut (Camera Tales #2) Page 4
Before he can say anything more, I wrap my mouth around one side, lightly suckling the soft skin in my mouth, allowing my tongue to rub the underside, easily exerting enough pressure that I can feel the ball inside. It reminds me of one of those water toys that have objects on the inside, like to relieve stress. I switch sides, each time I get done sucking one, to give the other attention, all while stroking his dick.
He grabs my hair in his hand and pulls, hard, until I'm staring at him. "Fucking turn around. If you're going to suck me, then I'm going to suck you."
I crawl up his body and turn around when I reach his waist. He instantly grabs my thighs and pulls me toward his face until I'm staring down at his dick, my ass in his face. It's slightly uncomfortable knowing my ass is not far from his mouth, nose, and eyes, but one thing I've learned with Saxton is that he even loves nasty with me, and I love him more for it. It's a way for me to tap into a forbidden territory without feeling judgment from anyone.
He pulls my panties over my ass, lowering them until they end up just above my bent knees. "Damn, I love staring at your pussy," he says, just before his tongue enters me.
I reflexively back into him, wanting him deeper. He slaps my ass, causing me to scream out, not expecting it. "Suck me, baby."
I grab his dick again, putting it in my mouth. His tongue moves to my clit, rubbing up and down on it, making it hard to concentrate on anything but sucking what's in my mouth harder and faster, so I do, grabbing his balls in my free hand. Our pace matches each other's.
I love sucking his dick. I can't explain it. I never thought I would necessarily like this; indifferent sure, but like no. It may be the way he reacts when I do it that makes me like it, because he never asks for it, but when I do I can tell how much he loves it.
He presses his thumb inside of me, and then moves toward my asshole, before gently pressing inside. I'll never get used to that, but it never fails, that after I get used to the initial shock, I like it. It feels good. When he begins to back out of me, I moan around his dick. His finger begins rubbing my clit when he removes his tongue. "That's right, baby. Show me how much you like my finger in your ass."
I suck harder, massaging his balls in my hand. As he presses back inside, a feeling I don't particularly recognize begins. "Oh, fuck me. You're oozing fucking cum.” His tongue licks over my pussy, one finger still rubbing my clit as the other pumps in and out of my ass. It's too much. It feels too good.
My pace picks up, changing from thought to thoughtless motion. Out of nowhere I start to come, completely un-expecting it. His head ends at the middle of my tongue, moaning being the only physical action at the moment. His dick starts to pulse on my tongue, warning me that he's about to explode in my mouth. I can't move from the feelings overcoming me.
The first spurt of salty, warm, creamy liquid hits my tongue. After a few I swallow, not even thinking, continuing about three times before he finishes. My body feels sticky and hot. I lick over the slit on his head, making sure he's clean before removing my mouth. He shoves his tongue inside of me one more time, before swiping over it, leaving me clean.
I sit up and pull my panties back in place, then move off of him and toss his underwear at him to put on, before lying on the bed beside him. He quickly slips them on and turns over, grabbing my hip. "You swallowed my cum."
I stare into his eyes. "Yes."
"You didn't have to."
"I know."
"Fuck it was hot, though. I could feel your throat close each time you did."
"What can I say . . . I was short on my protein quota today." I wink, trying hard to hold in my laughter from the sudden shocked expression on his face. "What? I can't make dirty jokes?"
"Pure minds aren't good at cracking dirty jokes on the spot. It takes practice to obtain that kind of skill."
I shrug. "I guess you've polluted my brain. I kind of like it."
He smiles. "As long as it's me doing the polluting I can live with that."
"Hmm. Are you sure you're not going to miss the Goody Two-Shoes version of me?"
"Oh, you still hold plenty of goodness. You're just slightly tarnished now."
He squeezes my boob. I raise a brow. "Miss them already?"
"They're mine. I can grope them whenever I want without judgment."
I grab his balls. "As long as these are mine. I kind of like them."
He grunts. "Forever."
"I like the sound of that."
We stare at each other. "What's on your mind?"
"If I told you, you'd think I was a whore."
"Doubtful, unless you cheat on me. Then, well, you title yourself."
"I should slap you for that."
"I would never cheat on you."
"Okay, then you have nothing to worry about. Talk to me."
I take a deep breath, preparing for the worst feeling in the world. "I kind of miss filming with you."
He bites his bottom lip, the mildest smile showing through. "I've created a monster, haven't I?"
"That bad, huh?"
"No. I remember the hype in the beginning."
My brows scrunch. "That's not what I mean, Sax, but thanks. Now I feel awesome. Not."
He rolls over me, pushing me on my back, and then gently kisses me. "Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Make it seem like I'm comparing you to every other girl. All I meant was that I remember the excitement of filming in the beginning. Then it got old. With you, it doesn't matter what I'm doing, because I'm happy, filming or not."
"I miss filming with you, not filming. There is a huge difference. It's weird. I don't miss the house. I don't miss knowing everything we did was being monitored. What I miss is knowing that the two of us are doing something so intimate together without caring what anyone else thinks; showing our love to the world. It made me feel like you were really mine."
He laces his fingers in mine, looking into my eyes. "Baby, I'm always yours. Always. No girl can ever take me away from you. I promise."
"It's stupid. Just forget I mentioned it."
He kisses me again. "No. I want to give you the experiences you want."
"I don't want it twenty-four seven like we were. That's the strange part. I like our privacy during conversation and being together. It's just the sex. I liked the idea of being an example couple for other couples. Does that sound stupid?"
"Nothing that comes out of your mouth could ever be stupid, Kambry. You want to share some of our experiences while we're here, then that's what you'll get."
I wrap my legs around his waist, my heart beating wildly. "Really? How?"
"Well, if it's just posting moments during sex you want or being able to pick and choose what you want to share in general, we could create a couples' blog on Tumblr. It's kind of known for homemade porn posted by couples. It's the one blog host that is completely unrestricted in what kind of content you can post."
I wrap my arms around his waist. "So, just sign up, and then we can post short videos and stuff as we want to?"
"Yep. It's that simple. We can have our privacy when we want and be public when we want. I guess it's the best of both worlds, only you aren't getting paid. We would basically be volunteer porn stars."
I laugh. "It sounds . . . fun." I pause. "You know I would never in a million years want this if it were anyone else, right?"
"You know you have ruined me from any other girl, right?"
I bite my bottom lip. "So what you said in your room after my brother left?"
"All lies. My heart hated me for it. Seeing you like that is something I never want to see again, baby. I know I've said it already, but I'm sorry."
"I shouldn't have brought it up again. I just wanted to hear it. The part that hurt the most was thinking that you could so easily go back to someone else after what we shared together. I never doubted that you loved me."
"I'd rather sever my dick from my body myself before shoving it into the crotch of another woman, or any
where else for that matter. You really are it for me, Kambry. I hope you're as serious as you say you are, because there is no moving on from this for me. You're my forever."
I close my eyes, trying to remember how to breathe. "And always. I may not have known where I was going, but the destination is worth putting down roots. I'm not going anywhere, Sax. The heart wants what it wants, and mine wants you."
He uprights his upper half and grabs the comforter beneath me, pulling it down my body. I lift, removing my weight from the bedding. He gets beneath the covers and pulls it over us, before grabbing ahold of me and pulling me into his body as he molds himself around me. "Good, because I've already claimed it."
I lay my head on the pillow, my eyes becoming heavy. "I love you, Sax."
"I love you too, Kam."
I smile at the use of a nickname he's never called me, only Meredith, my body completely at rest. I'm content. I always am with him, no matter what we're doing. As I drift out of consciousness, a few words embed themselves into my mind. "I'm going to take you on a real date."
I lace my fingers with his on my belly, squeezing to show that I heard him. "I'd like that. I'd like it a lot," I whisper. Our breathing evens out at the same time, and the jet lag kicks in.
Chapter Three
A constant bouncing begins to occur, coinciding with the image before me. "Fuck yeah. Ride my cock, beautiful."
Something soft smacks me in the face and laughter occurs. "I know what someone with a filthy mouth is dreaming about."
The image disappears. Come back. My hand takes a direct shot for my dick, pushing it down, or attempting to anyway. The front of my boxer-briefs are damp in a circular area about the size of a quarter, maybe more. Fuck. I groan, my eyelids trying to pry themselves open from the glued state they're in.
The bouncing starts again, directly above my waist, the weight rotating from left to right. "Is someone excited to see me?" She says it in a singsong voice.
My eyelids finally part. A blurry body with a mess of blonde holding a big, white, rectangle is the only thing that registers. I attempt to rub my eyes so that I can focus; now recognizing the fluffy pillow in her hands. "I don't know. Why don't you find out for yourself . . . "
Before the command can even register her hand grips around my dick. "Saxton . . . "
I blink a few times, taking in her fully clothed body and face painted with makeup. Her hair is straight; too straight for just a blow dryer. "Where are you going? How long have you been up?"
"Why is your briefs damp? And directly over your head . . . "
"Because that is one limb that has a mind of its fucking own. That's why."
She has one shit-eating grin on her face if I've ever seen one. "You had a wet dream, didn't you? When I was bouncing, you came." I look at her, now fully awake and becoming aware of the situation at hand. "Don't you dare lie to me right now." Silence. "God, this is great."
"I'm glad you find this amusing. It's your fault. You were the one bouncing up and down on top of me."
"Just like the night in the bathtub was your fault? Funny how the slightest touch or motion can bring a dream to life isn't it? I'm finally playing in the same league as you. Hell yes."
"Hey, that was a memorable night for me."
"Awe." She places her hand over her heart. "Baby, that is so sweet."
"Yeah, yeah. What time is it? Why are you dressed? You never wake up before me and now all of a sudden the roles are reversing."
"Six in the morning. I was too excited to sleep. Get up sleepy head. I'm ready to explore and I think our first stop is already planned: breakfast. Tynleigh just started getting ready. She's the one who is an early bird. She was brewing coffee when I got up an hour ago."
I'm so confused. "Wait. Six in the morning? I thought we were going somewhere last night. How long have we even been asleep?"
"Tynleigh said when she came home we were sound asleep and wouldn't answer the door, so she figured we were tired. I'm not sure I want to evaluate how long we've been asleep. I guess it's from all that staying up late at the beach house." She pauses, a smile spreading across the lower half of her face as her cheeks become a light shade of pink. "I love that house . . . And also having to be up early to get all of our stuff ready to catch the plane in time, plus crossing time zones. I suppose it just caught up with us."
I'm having a hard time processing the amount of hours I just slept, especially since I'm not sure if it's ever happened before. "What are we doing today?"
"Tynleigh said it's all a surprise. She did tell me of a record store a few blocks from her office. We could go while she checks in at work, so get up, sexy. You need a shower."
She kisses me, her minty breath blowing across my mouth. "Why didn't you wake me up? I could have showered with you."
"Because I knew bathing would not have occurred. Instead of cleaning we would have been dirtying. I've never been on the east coast. I want to have fun. Come on, come on, come on."
She starts bouncing again. "Keep on doing that and we aren't going anywhere." I stare at her, finally realizing just how good she looks . . . and smells. "You look beautiful. I like that outfit on you."
She grabs my hands and laces them together with hers, before raising them above my head, lowering her body toward my face. "Is it the low cut shirt?"
Her cleavage is peaking out of her top, staring me in the face. I try to free my hands, but she puts more body weight into me. It would take me little effort to move her, but I'm curious about her next course of action. "Nice compliments yield rewards, but no touching with hands. Mouth only. Then you're getting ready."
"Kind of bossy, aren't you?"
"You know you like it."
"Hell yeah I do." I buck my hips upward, pushing her into the air. "Every. Fucking. Time."
She shoves her chest against my nose, allowing the tip to dip between her tits. My eyes roll back in my head, taking in the sweet smell of her. It smells like dessert. Like red velvet cupcakes, but it's not sickly sweet; just enough to make me feel like I'm starving. Fuck, my mouth is salivating. Now I'm thinking of cupcakes. Red Velvet is my favorite. I turn my head just slightly, and bite down on the large, round globe. "You remember when you made these yours?"
"Yes. I'll never forget it either. Fuck, they're perfect, and all mine." Without thought, I lift us into a sitting position, then push my face between her breasts and motorboat them."
She begins to laugh at the vibration of my voice against her skin, fighting to get her hand free from mine. "That tickles," she screams in a fit of laughter. "Oh my gah."
She finally grabs ahold of my hair at the front and pulls my head back, freeing her tits from my assault on her jugular region, and I don't mean the one that is responsible for blood flow. I can see the sly smile trying to stay hidden. "Did you just motorboat me, Maverick?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I must have blacked out. If there was the slightest chance I remembered committing such an act, I would say it was definitely worth it; although, I'm just speculating."
"What if I told you it was another first for the girls? They may have even liked it. Would that clear up your memory any?"
"Come to think of it, I may remember something dark, big, and jiggly that smelled phenomenal. I could give it a try; see if something jogs my memory."
She tugs at my hair, pushing my head back in a further tilt as she looks down at me. "You sure do know how to make a girl feel sexy, Sax." She kisses me. "I'll leave you to get ready."
She gets up and scoots off the bed, walking toward the door. I want her to come back. It's kind of depressing that I want to just stay in bed all day with her in our little bubble. "Kambry."
She crosses one foot over the other and turns in an about-face, already at the door, her thumbs dipped into the front pockets of her washed out denim cutoff shorts. Her shirt is hanging off of one shoulder, making it bare. She's stunning. "What's up, baby?"
"I just wanted to tell
you that I love you."
"Always and forever, right?" She winks.
"At minimum." She turns and grabs for the door. "Wait."
"Yes?" Her eyes are telling. I'm missing something.
"Nothing to say back?"
"You can't say it back when you said it first. Get a shower, baby."
My brows dip into my eyelids as she walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. Okay then . . .
I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom, suddenly realizing what she meant as I glance at the mirror in passing to the shower, causing me to stop. Written in lipstick the color of fire engine red is the words, I love you.
My right hand rubs over the left side of my chest, trying to ease the ache that started. You don't leave these kinds of things to be forgotten over time. I run back in the bedroom and grab my phone long enough to snap a photo of the message on the mirror.
This reminds me how fucking lucky I am. Just when you're ready to give up on humanity and the one thing that's as old as time—companionship—someone appears in your life and shows you that she's not there to make you forget the one that broke your heart, but to remind you that she's the one that never will. I'd like to think that she's been looking for me all along and just got lost for a while. She arrived a little late, and even late, she was the one all along. If I think about it, I guess she's right on time.
I close my eyes when they begin to sting. I really need to start planning that date . . . because it has to be unforgettable.
Chapter Four
We walk up the steps of the Fulton Street subway station; my nose finally relaxing as the smell of pee slowly fades away. That was a rather interesting experience, but even though Saxton and Tynleigh both tried to warn me that it's not as cool as I thought, I still wanted to do it. It's about experience for me, and living life to the fullest, something I've never done before. I just chose to stand in the arms of my man and now I've made a mental note to buy stock in Germ-X. Otherwise, all good.